Course Contents

Web Development concepts and Web basics overview.
HTML 5 and CSS 3 . Introduction to Front-end framework .Web Designing with Bootstrap Framework.
Scripting Language overview.Introduction to JaavaScript and its implemtations in web.
Introduction to Server side coding.Web Server concepts.Web Request and Response handling.Form validations.Server side Coding will be based on either using i>Java ii>PHP iii>ASP.Net iv>Python.
Language basics and language structure.
OOPs concepts and its implementations.
Programming using Library Functions of the language.
Navigation methods and itheir implementations
State Management.Session and Cookies handling.
Database operations with SQL and PL/SQL.
MVC Overview and Implementations.Ajax overview and implementations using either of them namely : i>Spring/Struts ii>ASP.Net with MVC iii>Code Igniter iv>Djangp/Flask.
Project Implementation

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K2N Academy's courses are designed with inputs from corporate houses as Industry Ready programs which have ready acceptance in Industries.
We do provide soft copies of notes and handout of the classes for the benefit of students.
Yes we have selective courses which lead to global certifications.
We do provide certificates to the students on the basis of periodic evaluation test conducted during training..